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Ask A Stripper: No Holes Barred


Ask A Stripper: No Holes Barred


52 West Port (Just off of Grassmarket)
Main Room: AUG 1-4, 6-11, 13-18, 20-25 at 21:30 (55 min) - Pay What You Can Tickets - from £5

Ask A Stripper: No Holes Barred

“Ask A Stripper” returns to Edinburgh Fringe once again, and this time it’s personal. Stacey Clare (author of "The Ethical Stripper" and co-founding member of East London Strippers Collective) and Gypsy Charms (the creative powerhouse behind "The Illicit Thrill") are two former strippers, who bring their razor sharp wit and ballsy feminism into the festival context, inviting audiences to ask them anything at all. Between them they have over 30 years combined experience of dealing with boozed up punters in seedy strip joints, so no heckle is too much of a challenge.

Audiences are invited to laugh, reflect, be curious, and celebrate the women who are clearly comfortable with their jobs (for the most part) and want to demystify the sex industry. No questions are off limits in this audience Q&A hosted by two former sex workers who bare all, lifting the lid on a widely misunderstood and misrepresented world.

Stacey and Gypsy challenge social stigma and smash stereotypes in order to subvert audience expectations, gently revealing (in more ways than one) the realities of their work, unpacking myths and dispelling misinformation about the industry they both know inside out - warts and all (no pun intended).

What do strippers eat for breakfast? What really happens in the VIP room? Who’s the most famous person you’ve ever danced for? What was the most amount of money earned in a single night?

If you’ve ever wanted to ask a stripper a burning question… there’s a cream for that.

This year we have two entry methods: Free & Unticketed or Pay What You Can
Free & Unticketed: Entry to a show is first-come, first served at the venue - just turn up and then donate to the show in the collection at the end.
Pay What You Can: For these shows you can book a ticket to guarantee entry and choose your price from the Fringe Box Office, up to 30 mins before a show. After that all remaining space is free at the venue on a first-come, first-served bases. Donations for walk-ins at the end of the show.

News and Reviews for this Show

3.5 stars

August 8, 2024    One4Review

3.5 stars

It is what it says on the tin! The small and intimate setting is aptly located close to Edinburgh’s strip clubs. This two woman show starring writer and performer Stacey Clare starts with some mild nudity before settling down to an informative chat about the world of stripping.

Stacey gives an insight into her stripping career from the London area and explains the ups and downs of what it’s really like to be a stripper. As you can imagine, it can be a lucrative profession but there is also an often-hidden dark side with many club owners underpaying their staff with sometimes very poor working conditions. She then explains how conditions have changed over the years with some notable court cases for sex workers rights and the implementation of a sex workers union.

The audience made up of a wide range of male and females are then invited to ask any questions, such as how old was your oldest client? How much money have you earned in one night? Do you get sick pay and What is the worst experience you have ever had as a stripper? The answer to the last question raised a few eyebrows and made you realise the dangers of such a profession these women have endured.

Overall, an informative insight into a hidden yet well-known profession which gives the audience a better understanding and an opportunity to ask direct questions and receive direct answers. Click Here For Review

August 5, 2024    Broadway Baby

Ask a Stripper challenges you to rethink everything you know about stripping and sex work. This free comedy show invites you to engage with two charismatic and articulate female strippers. At best, it is empowering and refreshingly honest – yet it could be funnier.

Stacey Clare is the author of The Ethical Stripper, which takes a detailed look at the sex industry, rejecting notions of victimhood and stigma. She also promotes sex workers’ unions in the UK. Gypsy Charms, the creator of Illicit thrills, was replaced on the opening night by another Scottish talent Roxy from Glasgow.

The show kicks off with a taste of their stripping talents, followed by more witty banter in the Q&A session, where they share stories and anecdotes from the industry. The comedic elements were somewhat rough around the edges, perhaps due to the cast change or opening-night nerves, but these will undoubtedly improve as they get more shows under their belt.

Ask a Stripper relies heavily on intriguing questions. On the opening night, they were rather predictable: career choices, best stripping venues, industry exploitation, and whether there are catfights between the girls. Perhaps the most interesting conversation revolved around the disproportionate number of neurodivergent people in the sex industry and the reasons behind it.

Ask a Stripper is a boldly feminist statement that breaks down barriers, asks important questions about societal morals and provides a new appreciation for the art of stripping. These ladies will deliver a mental lap dance to be remembered. Click Here For Review