Hot Toddy is a new Fringe venue for Free Festival shows, and a recently refurbished and comfortable space used for Whisky tastings during the Fringe, organised by the venue owners.
It located close to the junction of Jeffrey Street and the Royal Mile and St Mary Street, so an ideal location for shows close to the traditional heat of the Fringe.
Nearby is the main event space of the Royal Mile, our venues at Bar 50 and along cowgate as well as venues such as the Space or The Scottish Comedy Festival's Waverley Bar. The venue is also a short walk from Waverley Staton.
Performance Space: Whisky Lounge
Stage: 2m (wide) by 1m (deep) stage, on flat floor. There is no back stage area.
- Seating: Capacity 50 people, fully seated.
Lighting: 2xPar Can to flood light stage.
- Sound: 4 Channel Mixer, cables for MP3 player, with 2 Mics, Cables and Mic
stands. Performers own sound equipment can be added easily
- AV: There
is no AV equipment in this room, but is suitable for performers to bring a projector etc.
- Storage: There is a very small area for equipment at the venues
cellar for props
and equipment, shared with other groups.
- Bar: There is no bar in the room, the room is accessible via a corridor and staircase from the main bar area.
- Access: The are steps to the performance space.
Photo of Hot Toddy
Room in unrigged state - Photo looking from back of room towards stafe area at far end. Tables and fixed seating remain for Fringe shws, small stalls and extra seating will be in rows in the middle.
Room in unrigged state - looking from the stage area at the room. The door on right is a fire exit only.